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Rocky Mt. S/C Service Awards


On April 20, 2022, Sudan nobles, their ladies and friends gathered at the Rocky Mount Shrine Club to recognize two nobles. Nobles Thomas R. “Tommy” Sasser Sr. and Clarence E. Foster were named as receiving their 50 Year Service Award from Shriners International. A great dinner was served to the sixty-six in attendance. Sudan Potentate Cleve Woolard presented the award to Noble Sasser. He read and presented him with the congratulatory letter from the Imperial Potentate. Noble Sasser’s sons, Noble Tommy Jr and Noble Tim Sasser participated in the presentation of the 50-year pin. Noble Foster was unable to attend the event and will be presented his award at a later date. Noble Sasser and both sons are also members of Sudan’s Wrecking Crew. Noble Sasser stated he did remember when our Potentate joined Sudan Shriners!

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