Presented August 4, 2021
First picture- Nobles: Second Ceremonial Master Chris Boykin, Joseph Wright “Jay” Taylor and Ill. Sir Coble Wilson III (25 years)
Second picture- front row left Nobles: Chief Rabban Cleve Woolard, Ill. Sir Coble Wilson III, Alton Insco, (50 years), Buren “Tommy” Via (50 years), William Stanley McKoy (50 years), Oriental Guide Tom Ferrell, Director Frank Long, back row: Second Ceremonial Master Chris Boykin, Asst. Rabban Lou Smith and High Priest & Prophet Randy Simpson.
The Wilmington Shrine Club conducted their monthly meeting on August 4, 2021 and a great meal was served and good fellowship shared by all in attendance. This was a special night for several nobles in attendance in that they were recognized for their many years of continuous service and dedication to our fraternity and the Shriners Hospitals for Children. The certificates and pins were presented to each noble. The recipients in attendance are shown above. Noble’s Jack C Gerock Sr. and Roy G Sutton were recognized as 50-year recipients but were unable to attend the meeting. Congratulations and thank each of you for your service.