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300 Years of Membership - New Bern S/C


L to R:  Illus. Sir Randy Simpson, Noble’s Jay Barrington, George B. Sawyer, Douglas L. Soltow, Carl A Turner, and 1st Ceremonial Master Dean West.

Friday, April 12, 2024 was a special night at the New Bern Shrine Club. Not only was it the kick-off dinner for the Annual Fish Fry, six nobles were recognized for having 50 years of continuous membership in Shriners International. Illustrious Sir Randy Simpson made the presentation to the nobles and was assisted by our First Ceremonial Master Dean West. A congratulatory letter from the Imperial Potentate, Imperial Sir James E. “Ed” Stolze Jr. and the prestigious 50 Year pin was presented to each in attendance. Other Divan members present were Chief Rabban Tom Ferrell; Recorder George Raecher, and Second Ceremonial Master Robby Sadler. A huge crowd of over 150 were in attendance for the event. Noble’s Charles McCotter Jr. and James E. Jarvis were unable to attend and will receive their awards later. There was some great Masonic fellowship sharing and a great fish fry meal served. A special congratulations and “Thank You” from Sudan to these nobles.

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