L to R: Front: Recorder George Raecher, Noble Mark Hood; Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard; Noble Ray Casey; High Priest & Prophet Tom Ferrell. Back Row: Outer Guard Robby Sadler, Director Frank Long, Assistant Rabban Randy Simpson and 1st Ceremonial Master Chris Boykin,
The Wayne Shrine Club gathered on February 17th for their monthly meeting with fifty nobles and ladies in attendance to recognized three members having achieved their 50 Years of membership, dedication, and service to Shriners International. Noble Eldon “Teeny Sutton” was unable to attend for health reasons. Nobles Mark Hood and Ray Casey were presented their 50 Year Service Awards, letters and pin. Outer Guard Robby Sadler, made the presentations from the Imperial Potentate, Imperial Sir Bill Bailey. Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard presented the certificates to each noble. An outstanding catered meal was served, and great masonic fellowship was shared by all! Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard updated those in attendance on the status of the building situation and the continued hard work and commitment of our Sudan Divan in “Moving Forward in 2022” for Sudan Shriners future!