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Sudan Potentate, Illustrious Sir Coble D Wilson III and members of the Sudan Divan are shown here with Jessie & Linett Rodriquez with Isaac (center front) and Isaac’s siblings

Our Service Awards presentation at the New Bern Shrine Club on April 9, 2021 was complimented by some special guests who wanted to give our Sudan Shriners a “Thank You”. We are always indeed blessed to hear the stories and the positive or “new life” given to patients having been afforded medical care from our Shriners Hospitals for Children. On this night we heard Jessie Rodriquez, the father, tell the story of a young boy, eleven years old, Isaac, who was diagnosed with a massive brain tumor. He was subsequently taken to St Jude’s Children’s Hospital for treatment. He then developed severe skin rash disorders and was then taken to our Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati for that treatment. Isaac was present with a huge smile on his face and is truly a thankful person to say the least. His parents, Jessie & Linett Rodriquez and his siblings had nothing but praise for the care their child and brother had received. Isaac is now considered to be in stable condition. The family needs prayers and asked for the continued prayers for Isaac’s healing and total recovery! We want to thank Noble Steve Lupton, New Bern Shrine Club President for arranging this presentation.

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