PP Rick Jackson & Imp. Ill. Sir Craven

Imperial Officers Attend Sudan Hospitality Room
L to R: Noble Lane Marshburn and Lady Sherry; Chief Rabban Lou Smith; Imperial Potentate Kenny Craven and Lady JJ; Lady Jan Raecher with Recorder George Raecher, and Lady Pat Smith,
Sudan Shriner's were honored with the visit of Imperial Potentate, Imperial Sir, Kenny Craven and Lady JJ, and several other Imperial Officers to our Sudan Hospitality Room on Saturday evening. A great exchange was enjoyed by all.

Don't you know that's a Hillbilly?

Pirates, Pirates EVERYWHERE!

Pictured here are Noble Captain Allan Harper, Past-President of the Inter-National Shrine Horse Patrol (2012) and Noble Edward Allen, 1st Vice President of the Inter-National Shrine Horse Patrol. The Sudan Horse Patrol is always a crowd favorite.


Deserts Rats - from Pitt Co.