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Rocky Mount Presentations


It was indeed a special night on April 28, 2021 at the Rocky Mount Shrine Club where sixteen Shriners International Service Awards were presented to nobles for their fraternal support of years of service to Shriners International. Eleven nobles received their 50-Year Awards and three received their 25 Year Awards. Some presentations had been held over from 2020 having been adversely affected by the Covid 19. Sudan Outer Guard Dean West coordinated the presentations with the club president and secretary. Illustrious Sir Coble Wilson presented each recipient with the appropriate pin and letter of appreciation from himself and the Imperial Potentate Jim Smith. We had an outstanding turnout by our Sudan Divan and numerous guests from those receiving the awards.

Twenty-five-year recipients were Noble’s George W. Hill, Thomas R Sasser, and Timothy C Sasser. Those receiving 50 Year Awards were Noble’s James Thorpe, Tony Inscore, Charles A. Bell, Doug Brown, Ernest S Harris, Kenneth G Pittman, Don Bullock, Ed Strange, Earl Mcllwean, James Finch, and Grady David. Congratulations to each for their outstanding contributions and dedication.

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