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Hillbilly Degree

As a result of increasing requests, the Sudan Hillbillies will conduct the initial Hillbilly Degree on January 8, 2021. The Degree will be conducted at the Columbus County Shrine Club. The club is located at 737 Sam Potts Road in Whiteville, N.C.. The Degree will begin at 10:A M. However, we suggest you arrive at least 30 minutes earlier to process in. The Initial Degree will make you a bonified Hillbilly, able to participate in any Hillbilly activity (like a parade!!). A full slate of Degrees will be offered at the annual Hillbilly Reunion on July 30 2022. The cost of the Degree is $50.00. Lunch will be provided at no additional charge.

If you have any questions, please contact Bob Gunter on 910-754-7388 or

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