On January 17, 2022, the Dunn Shrine Club conducted their Installation of Officers for 2022 and for the dinner meal had a fabulous Chili Cookoff Contest. Our Outer Guard Dean West conducted the installation ceremony. A great time of fellowship was enjoyed by all in attendance.

2022 Dunn Shrine Club Officer’s:
Noble’s Gary Chip Hamilton-President; Billy Roach-1st VP; Wesley Tyndall-2nd VP; Andy House-Secretary; De Van Barbour IV-Treasurer; and Chris Lee-Chaplain. Board of Directors; Noble’s PP Buddy Brown; James Jackson; Justin Langdon; Ken Page; Tony Johnson; Ray Lucas; Lee Honeycutt; Justin Stewart; and Cody Dunn.

Shrinettes”: President Amy Tyndall; 1st VP – Julie Honeycutt; Secretary- Tammie Page and Tina Brown-Treasurer.

2021 Dunn Shriner of the Year
L to R: Noble Wesley Tyndall presented the Award by the outgoing President, Noble Tony Johnson, Outer Guard Dean West.