L to R: Noble’s Mack Thomas, Sergeant- Oasis Shriners; Noble Eric Merritt, 2nd Lieutenant-Sudan Shriners; Gwinn Dunbar Jr., 3rd Lieutenant-Khedive Shriners; Chris Schwarts, Captain-Acca Shriners; Billy Owens, Major-Hejaz Shriners; and Bob Stillman, Chief-Yaarab Shriners; Robert Brock, Secretary-Treasurer, Sudan Shriners; and Immediate Past Chief, Art Pendleton, Kazim Shriners.
The South Atlantic Shrine Association, Provost Guard Officers, were installed for the ensuing year on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at Myrtle Beach. Noble Eric Merritt, member of Sudan Provost Guard was elected as the 2nd Lieutenant. Eleven members of our Sudan Divan attended the morning breakfast in support of Noble Eric. He has been with Sudan Provost Guard for eight years. Noble Robert Brock was re-elected as the Secretary/Treasurer, serving in that capacity for thirteen years. Congratulations to both and thanks for your dedication.