L to R: Club President Jonathan Thomas, Oriental Guide Jeff Taylor, PP Stacey Pugh (17); Noble John O. Moore; Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard; Noble Joseph H. Johnson III; Outer Guard Robby Sadler; 2nd Ceremonial Master Larry Barnes; Chief Rabban Lou Smith.
Members and guests gathered at the Pitt County Shrine Club on August 18, 2022 for their monthly membership meeting and to recognize two nobles. Nobles John O. Moore and Joseph H Johnson III were presented with their Shriners International 25 Year Service Awards. Noble Robby Saddler made the presentations. Each noble received the 25-Year Certificate and a Letter and 25-Year pin from Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard. A great meal was served and great Masonic sharing was enjoyed by all. Congrats again nobles and thank you for your service to this fraternity and Shriners Children’s.