Fayetteville Shrine Club has for some time planned to present a new Roadrunner van this year. It was going to be presented at the Spring Ceremonial but because of Covid-19 that didn’t happen. On September 1, 2020, nobles from the Fayetteville Shrine Club met at the Dunn Shrine Club with our Divan and made the presentation. President Vernon Spruill presented the “key” to Ill. Sir Buddy Brown. The vehicle is a 2019 Ford Transit, 15-passenger vehicle. The vehicle has a beautiful wrap with children images and the logos of Sudan Shriners and the standard Roadrunner vehicle markings. The funds for the van came from the Fayetteville Shrine Club’s annual Golf Tournament. This is the fifth van presented by this club over the years with the first one being donated in 1998. Great job Noble’s for your continuing efforts and the hard work to help us help the children! A huge thanks to the citizens and participants in the Fayetteville area for your support of this tournament.
Sudan Trustee Terry Adams has spearheaded the Golf Tournament fundraiser for the past 13 years. Noble Larry McPhail also a Fayetteville Shrine Club member, assisted with the purchase from the Ford dealership in Fayetteville.