L to R: Noble Eric Bass; Illustrious Sir Coble D. Wilson III, Noble Boyce Lennon; PP Buddy Brown; and Oriental Guide Tom Ferrell.
The Sudan Shriners 2020 Nelson Banks Membership Award was presented to the Columbus County Shrine Club on March 15, 2021 at their monthly meeting. As with several other 2020 awards, Covid 19, this was delayed. The presentation was made by our immediate PP Allen R. “Buddy” Brown. Noble Boyce Lennon, Club President and our Sudan Membership Director accepted the award on behalf of the club.
Noble Larry Eric Bass, a member of the club was presented the Merit Award for his outstanding efforts. Noble Bass was the Topline Signer for five noble’s for January 2020 Winter Ceremonial, one for September 2020 One Day Ceremonial and one for the December 2020 Ceremonial for a total of seven out of the 53 new Sudan nobles in 2020. Congratulations for your outstanding determination and hard work.