On October 17, 2023, the Wilson County Shrine Club conducted their monthly meeting. It was a special meeting in that seven nobles from the club were recognized for their long-term dedication and service to our fraternity. Four were recognized for their 25-year service and three nobles for their 50 years of service. Noble Lemuel A. Harper was presented with his 25 Year Service Award and Noble Arthur T. High was presented with his 50 Year Service Award. Nobles Christoper A. Bass, Harris E. Tyson and Seth H Tyson were unable to attend to receive their 25-year awards. Nobles Frederick S Daniels and Aaron A Absher were unable to attend for their 50-year awards. These will be presented with the appropriate certificates later. The letters and awards were read by Outer Guard Lane Marshburn. The presentations were made by Illustrious Sir Louis Smith III. Other Divan members and their ladies present were Chief Rabban Randy Simpson; High Priest & Prophet Jeff Taylor; Oriental Guide Chris Boykin; Recorder George Raecher; 2nd Ceremonial Master Ronnie Blount; and Marshal Dean West. A great meal and fellowship were enjoyed by all in attendance.