(Front Row, L to R): Noble’s Randy Simpson, Assistant Rabban; Larry Barnes, 2nd Ceremonial Master; Noble’s James S. Wilder, & Jeffrey L Holmes; Potentate Cleve Woolard; Lou Smith, Chief Rabban; George Raecher, Recorder. Back Row, Left to Right, Robby Sadler, Outer Guard and Jeff Taylor, Oriental Guide.
The Wilmington Shrine Club conducted their monthly meeting on June 1, 2022 and recognized five nobles with Shriners International Service Awards. Noble’s Jeffrey L Holmes and James S Wilder were presented their 50 Year Service Awards. Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard made the presentations to each and thanked them for their dedicated service. A letter from our Imperial Potentate was read and a pin presented to each. There were two other 50 Year recipients, Nobles Hubert Bordeaux and Douglas D Dean and two 25 Year recipients announced, Ronald G Miller and Frank J Szakasits. However, these nobles were unable to attend and will be presented their awards at a later date. Noble Larry Barnes, Area Governor assisted Potentate Woolard with the presentations. A great meal was served and with great masonic fellowship was shared.
Wilmington S/C Service Awards