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2022 SBOC


L to R: Sudan Marshal Ronnie Blount; PP Coble D. Wilson III; Oriental Guide Jeff Taylor; Ill. Sir Cleve Woolard; Imperial Chief Rabban Kenny Craven; Chief Rabban Lou Smith III, and Recorder George Raecher

Sudan Marshal Ronnie Blount, was presented the Shrine Bowl of the Carolina’s “Heisman Trophy” for his long-time dedication and leadership contributions to the Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas. He has served in various capacities such as Game Day Chairman. The trophy was presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting and Elections in Spartanburg, SC on February 19, 2022. Noble Ronnie started his participation in 2006 and since that time has served as the President, General Chairman, Game Day Chairman and officiated a game in 2017. He had previously been awarded the “Hall of Fame Award” for his contributions. Congratulations to Noble Ronnie from our Sudan membership.

2022 Shrine Bowl of the Carolina Annual Meeting

Shriners from five North and South Carolina Shrine Center’s gathered at the Spartanburg Shrine Club in Spartanburg, SC for the 2022 Annual Meeting and Election of Officer’s on February 19, 2022. Everyone is aware that the past two years have been cancelled due to Covid 19. Shrine Centers associated showed up in force to get the Shrine Bowl of the Carolina’s back on the map and ready for the 2022 High School All-Star Football Game in December. Our Sudan contingent has always been heavily involved. Sudan Oriental Guide Jeff Taylor was elected as the Game Day Chairman for this year’s event. PP Coble D. Wilson III was elected as the 3rd Vice President. Nobles Oscar Pace, Wesley Tyndall, and Dana Maudlin, remained on the board as Sudan Representatives. Recorder George Raecher, a Board Representative, was awarded Emeritus Status. The day’s events concluded with a dinner and social for those attending and their ladies. Ill. Sir Cleve Woolard made comments giving full support of our Sudan membership to get the game back on track and successful for 2022!

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