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S. Brunswick Islands S/C Service Awards


Front Row, L to R: PP Ricky Jackson (14); PP Steve Norris (12); PP Albert Parker, (88); Noble David McLaurin; Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard; Outer Guard Robby Saddler. Back Row, L to R: 2nd Ceremonial Master Larry Barnes; Chief Rabban Lou Smith III, and Shrine Club President John D. Gregory.

On April 7, 2022, the South Brunswick Islands Shrine Club held their monthly meeting and recognized seven nobles to receive their Shriners International Service Awards for 2022. A fantastic meal and night of sharing at the club was enjoyed by all in attendance. Two recipients in attendance, PP Albert Parker received his 50 Year Service Award and Noble David McLaurin Jr received his 25 Year Service Award. They also received the letters and pins from our Potentate and Shriners International, Imperial Sir Bill Bailey. Illustrious Sir Cleve Woolard made the presentations and was assisted by 2nd Ceremonial Master Larry Barnes. Five of the seven recipients were unable to attend. Fifty-year awards were announced for Noble’s John J Fryar, Wray O King, John D Koester, and Walter G Sellers. Noble Samuel F Frink, recognized to receive their respective awards but were unable to attend. They will be presented their awards, letters, and pins at a later date.

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