On September 6, 2023, nobles, ladies and guests gathered at the monthly Lenoir County Shrine Club and recognized two nobles for their Shriners International Service Awards. Noble Joseph W. Wilson III was presented his 50-Year Service Award, and a letter from Imperial Potentate Kenny Craven. His wife pinned the 50-Year pin on her husband. The award presentation was conducted by 1st Ceremonial Master Larry Barnes, and assisted by Ill Sir. Lou Smith. Noble William “Ed” Clay was unable to attend and will be presented his 25-Year Service Award later. Sudan Divan members present were Chief Rabban Randy Simpson, Assistant Rabban Noble Tom Ferrell, Recorder George Raecher, Director Frank Long and Capt. of the Guard Robby Saddler. A great meal was provided by the Lenior County Shrinettes, and a great night of masonic fellowship and sharing was enjoyed by all.